Wednesday, March 19, 2014

the overdue post

So this is the first ever post for 2014. Kinda late but oh well!

I'm pretty sure ya'll be wondering where i've been the whole time, and f.y.i. i'm in England now.

That pretty much explains everything I guess. For the past 5 months I've been here it has been pretty busy. Well partly because i've got nothing much to blog about. So yeah. but the fact that i'm writing this post now means i've got something to blog about or it's just because I cant sleep.

Either way, I guess since i'm here, I might as well just update ya'll on stuff thats going on in my life before I get lazy and go on an unpredictable hiatus.


1. Spring is finally here but it's England. Still cold. I miss the beach back in Penang. :(

2. my sleeping pattern is non-existent. A good example would be me typing this post at 4am.

3. struggling with studies. I blame the constant "spoon-feeding" method of teaching back home. Lots of self studying here. Still trying to get the jist of it.

4. Economics is tough. The irony is i'm absolutely hopeless when it comes to Maths and hey ho Economics is full of it. Did I make the wrong decision? Well the good news is I'm still alive but barely.

5. God has been faithful and has been constantly blessing me. Though there are times when I feel like all hope is lost, God never fails to amaze me. Without Him i'd probably go mental.

6. I've done something i've never imagined myself doing. Yep. I'm the new worship coordinator for my Christians Union. Proves how God has worked wonders in me!

7.Finals. Coming real soon and i'm shit scared. 6 modules to study for. GG la.

8. My standard for asian food has dropped so low that any asian food will taste good to me. As a Malaysian, food is a big part of my life and i'm currently deprived of it. Dont get me wrong, there's plenty of food here just that ya know, nothing beats home food. Especially Malaysian food. I cant wait till i get back and indulge myself in some Curry mee, seafood noodles, bak kut teh and what not.

9. I'll be totally honest with ya'll on this one. My university is lacking female eye candies. In true manglish translation "no girls to see la". Don't judge okay! At least this proves i'm still sane haha.

10. expanding on point no.9, my love life is going downhill or rather non-existent to say the least. Why so? (see point no.9) . I am not desperate okay! It's just that you see your friends all paired up and stuff, it just makes you wonder, "when will it be MY turn?". I guess I gotta be patient for now. God's timing is always on point.

11. expanding on point no.10, my feelings are all over the place right now. Which is not helping my current situation at all.

I should be sleeping now, which I would do so shortly.

Thats about it for now. I'll try. TRY. to update frequently.

SO yeah, guess thats it for now!

Goodnight! or goodmorning.

P.S: What if......

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