Friday, August 31, 2012

good times :)

hello there :) I'm back with updates :)

dont worry, graduation post will be up real soon ;)

anyways, had a great time with awesome people yesterday :)

 tsk tsk tsk :P


    we sexy and we know it :P

photo of  the night? :)

thats all for now my fellow audience :)

will update on graduation day soon!

good night !

p.s.- just realized its September already.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


should catch up on some sleep.

graduation post will be up tomorrow  soon ; )

on a totally random note, 41 page views in like 2 days?


i thought nobody reads this!

anyways, like i said, will try to update soon ;)

bonne nuit!

p.s.- i'm slowly getting back my blogging mojo. slowly. very slowly

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

just one of those nights....

where my mind drifts away into deep thought. emo moment

yeap, it's one of those nights again. haven't been having these kinda nights in a very very very long time.

i don't know whats up with me lately. It's like i've changed, not the good change.


i am selfish,

i am arrogant,

i am mean,

i know alright.

this attitude is not gonna bring you anywhere Jeremy.

pull yourself together. wake up okay.

you have to do something about this.

I have to do something about this.

change. for the better.

better get back into reality and sleep.

graduation at 8am tomorrow and i have to be there by 730? and i'm still awake. (Y)

till the next post. hopefully a happier and less emo post   

goodnight good morning.

p.s.- it must be my lack of sleep that's causing these emo moments.

isnt she lovely? =)

why aren't they at the back seat of my car :(

dont ask me why

i'm constantly posting up new post.

just bored i guess?

at times i feel blogging is like talking to yourself,

maybe it is?

ignore the random blab above

i seriously better start writing my award-winning essays and read some novels or something.

have exactly one month before i start my degree course. shall pay the book store a visit. likely will visit the magazine section 

that's all my brain can churn out for now. i'm just lazy

dos vidanya!

p.s.- i'm hungry.

epic beyond repair.

good work fly fm! =)

random thought.

well, it just hit me that lots of my friends are flying off to further their studies.

it's sad to see them all leave so fast :/

hope to see ya'll back here one day aite!

anyways, on a lighter note, tomorrow's graduation day :) have to wake up like 5-6am? ughhh-.- just because the VIP needs to leave early ish -.-

hope it turns out well tomorrow!

till the next post!

au revoir!

p.s.- after about a year or so of not writing essays or reading books, my grammar and all is screwed up. joy.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

song of the day?

lovely song! :)

good night world! =)


okay so i'm back! definitely a bit rusty now since i've disappeared for like centuries, but hey new, blog new start! So here's to (hopefully) a frequently updated blog ;)

 p.s. i've lost my blogging mojo (i don't have one).